Driving Traffic to AminoVitalGolf.com Email Marketing & Paid Media
The aminovitalgolf.com site was launched in May 2007. Since its debut, the site has averaged approximately 100 visitors/day. Concerted efforts have been made to optimize visibility on organic and paid media searches.
Increase site visitation from non-users
Increase sample requests and registration
Generate brand awareness
Develop an email campaign to avid golfers that have had little to no exposure to Amino Vital.
Campaign should serve as an introduction to the brand, product positioning and product benefits.
Due to budget and performance, the content network has been severely restricted to allow visibility on the search network.
If budget allows, content network will slowly be reintroduced into account based on performance.
Within Search, budgets have been redistributed amongst existing campaigns to allow for search induced conversion points.
AminoVital branded keywords have been added to the account.
The AminoVital brand Campaign (not golf specific) has also been added.
Keyword additions have been implemented into the account.
Underperforming adgroups such as golf towel have been inactivated.
Creatives have been modified to increase click through rate and improve appearance.
Max bids have been aggressively raised to maximize visibility on converters.